온플러스 is

중소기업 해외마케팅지원사업 수행기관 선정

It is a fresh interpretation of tableware for the modern lifestyle.
Knowledge and skills were inherited to develop the product - from the proportion of clay and glaze, to the sensitive transformations while firing that depend on temperature and humidity. Featuring the warm textures of clay, the humble designs give comfort to the user.


Not just a bowl.
“In working in clay, one communes with other works that have been fabricated and
exist over hundreds and thousands of years,”



  • A Singular Sense of Urgency May 20th-June 12th, 2016.
  • Art's FOCAL POINT. April 20th-July 12th, 2016.
  • 2016 SPE National Conference in Las Vegas March 10th-13th, 2013.


  • Clay The Preservation selected by Holly Hughes July 5th, 2016.
  • The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly April 5th-15th, 2016.
  • Critical Mass Top 50 Exhibition June 9th-12th, 2016.

본사부산시 해운대구 센텀중앙로97 센텀스카이비즈 A동 3811호
Tel. 051-934-9900| Fax. 051-934-9913 | onplus_cmo@naver.com

스튜디오부산시 해운대구 센텀중앙로97 센텀스카이비즈 
                 A동 3811호 Dept. B

경인사무소 경기도 용인시 기흥구 중부대로 184 
                      기흥힉스유타워 A동 517-1호
Tel. 031-308-9970| onplus_ph234@naver.com

홍콩법인 6F, Fung Sang Trading Building, 54 Bonham Strand, West, Sheung Wan, HONG KONG
Tel. 070-5035-9905 | onplusgm.hk@gmail.com

베트남지사 : 17F, A Tower, 18 Pham Hung , Tu Liem , Ha Noi, VIETNAM
Tel. 070-5176-9922 | onplus_vhy@naver.com

중국지사 Room 104, Building 1, No. 136, East Qigezhuang Road, Pinggu District, Beijing, CHINA 
Tel : 131 7217 9900

온플러스 ( Onplus Co.) - 마케팅 & 디자인
㈜온플러스 글로벌 (Onplus Global Co., Ltd.) -무역
오피티씨 ( OPTC Co. ) - 컨설팅
Onplus Hong Kong Ltd. - 해외법인 (홍콩)

CEO: 김재필 / Business License: 105-10-71717
Designed by ONPLUS

본사 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로97 센텀스카이비즈 A동 3811호
Tel. 051-934-9900| Fax. 051-934-9913 | onplus_ceo@naver.com

스튜디오 : 부산광역시 해운대구 센텀중앙로97 센텀스카이비즈 A동 3811호 Dept. B

경인사무소 : 경기도 용인시 기흥구 중부대로 184 기흥힉스유타워 A동 517-1호
Tel. 031-308-9970| onplus_ph234@naver.com

홍콩법인 : 6F, Fung Sang Trading Building, 54 Bonham Strand, West, Sheung Wan, HONG KONG
Tel. 070-5035-9905 | onplusgm.hk@gmail.com

베트남지사 : 17F, A Tower, 18 Pham Hung , Tu Liem , Ha Noi, VIETNAM
Tel. 070-5176-9922 | onplus_vhy@naver.com

중국지사 : Room 104, Building 1, No. 136, East Qigezhuang Road, Pinggu District, Beijing, CHINA
Tel : 131 7217 9900


  • 온플러스 ( Onplus Co.) - 마케팅 & 디자인
  • ㈜온플러스 글로벌 (Onplus Global  Co., Ltd.) -무역
  • 오피티씨 ( OPTC Co. ) - 컨설팅
  • Onplus Hong Kong Ltd. - 해외법인 (홍콩)

CEO: 김재필 ㅣ Business License: 105-10-71717

Designed by ONPLUS